Amity & Cindy's Wedding | Poolside Cafe at Andrew (Boy) Charlton Pool | The Domain Sydney

Amity & Cindy’s Wedding was held at the Poolside Cafe at Andrew (Boy) Charlton Pool in the Domain Sydney. The venue meant a lot to them as it allowed us to not only capture them as a couple but the Navy Ships in the background at Garden Island. Amity’s Dad served in the Navy and is unfortunately no longer with us, so this allowed them to make sure he was there with them on their Wedding Day.

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Why Print Matters

In today’s modern world where all our photos and valuable memories are stored on our phones or online, people often forget about the photos they have taken and never look at them again. As a result we have lost the value in getting our photos printed, especially photos from key milestones in our lives, like your Wedding Day.

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Amye Tillitzki-Hodge