Why Print Matters

In today’s modern world where all our photos and valuable memories are stored on our phones, computers or online, people often forget about the photos they have taken and never look at them again. As a result we have lost the value in getting our photos printed, especially photos from key milestones in our lives, like your Wedding Day. This is where the importance of printing your photographs can help to preserve your memories for not only yourself but for your children and the next generation.

While there is value in digital images as a way to share your story with friends and family the satisfaction is fleeting. It is easily scrolled past, swiped away and forgotten forever. A couple of months after your wedding day nobody will come over and ask to sit in front of a computer and look at your digital album, but they will get nosy if they see an album sitting out. They will look at the pictures on your wall. You will find yourself talking about your wedding, hearing their stories of the day and retelling classics to friends.  This all serves to improve the memory of your wedding day. This is what wedding photography is all about, capturing those memories and giving them back to you!


When printed, photographs are an ever-present reminder of what is important in life. A printed photograph can reconnect you to a feeling and a moment, remind you daily of who you love and why you love them and for a moment bring the dead back to life. One of the most important photos to me from my wedding day isn't one of the glamorous shots, but one of the family photos with my father in it. My father has since passed away. I have a large print of this photo on the wall in my living room and seeing this photo daily allows me to still feel close to him, and allows my daughters to be able to connect with him even though they were very young when he passed away.


Don’t let one of the most important days of your life be scrolled and forgotten. Instead let it be a source of strength and inspiration, let it connect you with your friends and loved ones, let it remind you every day of who you love and why you love them. Just please don’t let those memories fade.

Amye Tillitzki-Hodge