Chloe & Nathan | Fort Scratchley | Newcastle Wedding


Chloe & Nathan choose to celebrate their first wedding anniversary by doing a vow renewal in front of all of their family & friends, as (thanks to Covid) they couldn’t have everyone at their wedding the year prior.

We started off the day by meeting up prior to their ceremony, at Blackbutt Nature Reserve, to get some pre wedding photos, which included all of their children as the wedding party. We then headed off to Fort Scratchley in Newcastle for their vow renewal and reception.

Their ceremony focused on bringing their blended families together as one family with a sand ceremony and because it was a relaxed ceremony, it headed straight into the reception. The kids were the first to jump straight onto the dance floor from the ceremony to show off all of their dance moves.

Just before the sun set, we sneaked out of their reception and into Fort Scratchley to get some more photos, but this time with just Chloe & Nathan and we had the most perfect sunset overlooking all of Newcastle.

Thank you for allowing me to capture your wedding day. I do truly hope you all loved your photos.

Amye xxx


Vendors -

Pre Wedding Photos - Blackbutt Nature Reserve

Venue - Fort Scratchley Newcastle