2018 Year In Review | Panoramic Photography


Wow! Where did that year go?

It has been a crazy second year in my little business and I have absolutely loved every second of it. I feel so privileged to be able to call this my job and I cant thank my husband enough for allowing me the freedom and time to be able to do this, as it often means time away from our little family and leaving my 2 year old twin girls behind at home. As hard as it is sometimes, I wouldn’t change it for the world.

I have been lucky enough to meet so many great couples and families this year and to also get to work in so many beautiful locations across Sydney, Wollongong, the Hunter Valley and of course at home in the Sutherland Shire.

The year also saw my work get published for the first time in a few blogs and magazines ( Becoming One & Polka Dot Bride), which I couldn’t of been more excited about. I have also been lucky enough to work alongside some amazing vendors and other photographers in this industry and it has seen me shoot 12 weddings and over 30 families, which is more then I could ever of hoped for when I started out on this journey a few years ago.

Below are just a few of my favorite images from the past year. Thank you to all the couples and families that have invited me into their lives and allowed me to capture some special memories for them.

I can’t wait to work with all my amazing clients booked in for this year and to see where 2019 takes me.

Amye xxx

Amye Tillitzki-Hodge